Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sexuality in the 1990s

The documents in Peiss on Sexual Identities, Family Matters and Border Crossings were so touching and interesting.  The Sharon Kowalski Case, of 1991, was probably the most distressing to me because of the tragic accident she endured in a car accident, but the worst to me is that she had to live secretly as a lesbian with her partner because of society condemnations on Lesbians.  Also, the most disheartening was that her father would not accept her partner into the family even though they supposedly were not aware of her relationship.  I cannot believe that her family never questioned the fact that she never married or had children, it seems that Sharon's mom and dad were very religions and would never accept her sexuality because according to the bible it would be a sin and act against God's Will.  It was very tragic to me that the courts did not accept the truths about this women by the word of her lover, but because of her medical condition Sharon was not able to speak up and reveal to the world, that she was a Lesbian.
The document of the risk of mail marriage was also a sad reality of the consequences that many immigrant women face to become US citizens.  It almost reminded me of what is occurring now with the dangers of women meeting men through the Internet , such as Facebook, or Craiglist.  However, in 1996, the explosion of social networking was not visible so many women would correspond innocently through the mail to men they had little background information about would eventually victimize them sexually because they have the upper hand, there male, us citizens, and know that these women will sacrifice anything to stay in a economically stable country. I have heard many ugly stories of Filipina women struggles, and the abuse they endure to flee there impoverished lives in Asia.
The Chicano Men and Women document was so revealing about the patriarchal domination that is still event in today's Latino families.  Also, how your sexual identity and behavior is shaped according to your Latino family and the acculturated Anglo ideologies.  It is through these men and women's autonomy and exile from the Latino culture that they are able to express their true sexual identity.  They are truly caught between two worlds, tradition of "La Familia" and assimilating to a more accepted sexual freedom through Anglo customs. Because Latino Culture is so heavily influenced by patriarchal domination I believe it is more difficult for a gay Latino to be accepted for what he is by his dad, mom and the rest of the family, Latinos are very religious and homosexuality is perceived as a sin and not accepted in God's eyes.
The Starr Report on the Impeachment Trial of President Clinton was interesting to read because it brought back memories about the televised proceedings in which I vaguely remember.  I do still have that vivid picture of the ex President Clinton proclaiming, " I did not have sexual relations with that women".  In the eyes of most America's he did not have an sexual relations with that women, although, he lied under oath about having fondled Monica Lewinsky, touching her breast, kissing her, and even touching her vagina, he stood his ground about any other sexual contact with her.  He never had sexual intercourse with her, it was more like she gave him pleasure through oral sex, and phone sex.  He said, " A man could regularly engage in oral sex and foundling of breasts and genitals with a woman, yet not have a sexual relationship, with her".  Oral sex did not constitute for sexual relations, and that is what he was being accused of primarily.  The president because of his executive status and privilege did not have to testify right away after being subpoena by the courts, this bought him allot of time to figure out how this case could be won, but made the accusations less credibility.  It was also said that the president and Monica had planned to both lie under oath about their sexual relationship or encounter, because he would lose his reputation in the White House, and with his family.  Their deceptions also had to do with his other lawsuit that was brought against him for sexual harassment while he was the governor of Arkansas, with Mrs. Jones.  His impeachment trial would seem less relevant than the other case of sexual harassment, which was never proven.  President Clinton brought many hope to the American people when he was elected, just like the current President Obama, he passed many laws that benefited many, such as, family medical leave, and amnesty  to immigrants, he was very well liked and hated by the Republicans that knew about his sexual life.  Although, I do not condemn is actions about sexual harassment to his staff, I feel that his personal life should have never been publicized the way it was during his impeachment trial in 1998.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Eva,
    I rate your post 9/10 because it covers so much. Remember that the legal case against Clinton, and the basis of his impeachment, was his perjury (lying under oath). Otherwise, these lawyers and other figures from the Republican Right would not have been discussing the finer points of sex acts in public forums.
