Monday, January 17, 2011

1st reading blog - History 392 SPR 11 ( Prof. Morgan)

The readings this week were quite eye-opening to me in respect the treatments and injustices that the Native American Indians endured by the hands of the Spanish soldiers and European Americans.  I often heard or read about how the Indians were mistreated as far as their lands were invaded and they were forced to give up their habitats, but the sexual abuse of the women was despicable and so inexcusable.

One other thing that bothers me is that the American Indians were called, "savages", but actually the colonists and Spanish soldiers were in my opinion savages because they would violate their rights, especially the women by raping them and belittling them.  They would savagely rape the women and kill others from the tribe that got in there way.  Also, they had been well aware that the Indian men did not have access to guns like they did and would take advantage of that and shot them in cold blood.  Who is the savage?

I enjoyed reading about how the mothers were so open in communication with their daughters' and gave them the right to use their bodies as they wished.  It showed that they had no ill wishes towards them and that they respected and trusted their decisions to become a woman.  Sexual encounters within the tribe were conducted with no guilt or shame and they followed attractions from the heart and were more of a spiritual nature.


  1. Hello, this is Prof Morgan. Could you please contact me with your real name as soon as possible, so that I can credit you for your post. (I don't see your name either in the blog title, or as blog author)

    Best, Prof Morgan

  2. I will send you your grade, on this post, when I find out who you are. Best, Prof Morgan

  3. Never mind, I have confirmed that you're Eva. I award this post a 8/10, because although you wrote very well on the Peiss materials, I also wish for commentary on Godbeer.
    Please put your name on your blog page (see my instructions).
    Prof Morgan
