Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sexuality in the 1990s

The documents in Peiss on Sexual Identities, Family Matters and Border Crossings were so touching and interesting.  The Sharon Kowalski Case, of 1991, was probably the most distressing to me because of the tragic accident she endured in a car accident, but the worst to me is that she had to live secretly as a lesbian with her partner because of society condemnations on Lesbians.  Also, the most disheartening was that her father would not accept her partner into the family even though they supposedly were not aware of her relationship.  I cannot believe that her family never questioned the fact that she never married or had children, it seems that Sharon's mom and dad were very religions and would never accept her sexuality because according to the bible it would be a sin and act against God's Will.  It was very tragic to me that the courts did not accept the truths about this women by the word of her lover, but because of her medical condition Sharon was not able to speak up and reveal to the world, that she was a Lesbian.
The document of the risk of mail marriage was also a sad reality of the consequences that many immigrant women face to become US citizens.  It almost reminded me of what is occurring now with the dangers of women meeting men through the Internet , such as Facebook, or Craiglist.  However, in 1996, the explosion of social networking was not visible so many women would correspond innocently through the mail to men they had little background information about would eventually victimize them sexually because they have the upper hand, there male, us citizens, and know that these women will sacrifice anything to stay in a economically stable country. I have heard many ugly stories of Filipina women struggles, and the abuse they endure to flee there impoverished lives in Asia.
The Chicano Men and Women document was so revealing about the patriarchal domination that is still event in today's Latino families.  Also, how your sexual identity and behavior is shaped according to your Latino family and the acculturated Anglo ideologies.  It is through these men and women's autonomy and exile from the Latino culture that they are able to express their true sexual identity.  They are truly caught between two worlds, tradition of "La Familia" and assimilating to a more accepted sexual freedom through Anglo customs. Because Latino Culture is so heavily influenced by patriarchal domination I believe it is more difficult for a gay Latino to be accepted for what he is by his dad, mom and the rest of the family, Latinos are very religious and homosexuality is perceived as a sin and not accepted in God's eyes.
The Starr Report on the Impeachment Trial of President Clinton was interesting to read because it brought back memories about the televised proceedings in which I vaguely remember.  I do still have that vivid picture of the ex President Clinton proclaiming, " I did not have sexual relations with that women".  In the eyes of most America's he did not have an sexual relations with that women, although, he lied under oath about having fondled Monica Lewinsky, touching her breast, kissing her, and even touching her vagina, he stood his ground about any other sexual contact with her.  He never had sexual intercourse with her, it was more like she gave him pleasure through oral sex, and phone sex.  He said, " A man could regularly engage in oral sex and foundling of breasts and genitals with a woman, yet not have a sexual relationship, with her".  Oral sex did not constitute for sexual relations, and that is what he was being accused of primarily.  The president because of his executive status and privilege did not have to testify right away after being subpoena by the courts, this bought him allot of time to figure out how this case could be won, but made the accusations less credibility.  It was also said that the president and Monica had planned to both lie under oath about their sexual relationship or encounter, because he would lose his reputation in the White House, and with his family.  Their deceptions also had to do with his other lawsuit that was brought against him for sexual harassment while he was the governor of Arkansas, with Mrs. Jones.  His impeachment trial would seem less relevant than the other case of sexual harassment, which was never proven.  President Clinton brought many hope to the American people when he was elected, just like the current President Obama, he passed many laws that benefited many, such as, family medical leave, and amnesty  to immigrants, he was very well liked and hated by the Republicans that knew about his sexual life.  Although, I do not condemn is actions about sexual harassment to his staff, I feel that his personal life should have never been publicized the way it was during his impeachment trial in 1998.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

The documents in Peiss were insightful to read because it gave me a clear picture about how sexually transmitted diseases were viewed in the 1950s and late 1990s.  I had heard about the Tuskegee Syphilis Study in the past because there was actually a movie made depicting the events that occurred during this time.  It seems to me by reading this document and from the movie that the black farmers who were sick with syphilis in 1953 were used as guinea pigs by the US government, they were given high hopes for treating the diseases but were deceived with placebo drugs, little money, and were drawn in by pitching that there burial services would be covered, its like they gave them a death sentence without helping them succumb the disease.  The document from President Clinton was heartfelt but, of course, a little to late for the government to finally admit to the unjust racism and lack of health care provided to these unfortunate black men.
The other document that was great was the on of the theater in New York that was being closed down because of the sexual activities being conducted, i.e. fellatio, and the high rise of HIV/AIDS that was reported by the Department of Public Health of New York.  The statistics are breathtaking because there was no treatment available during this time and many people who contracted the disease were dying. I was glad that the Dr. submitted a court order to close the theatre because most people did not know the dangers of unprotected sex and the fact that it is not just a homosexual disease, it is transmitted to women and children too!  It is and was the most devastating sexually transmitted disease in my opinion.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sexual Revolution

The documents in Peiss regarding the Sexual Revolution were so interesting to me not only because of the the ways in which young women and men conducted themselves in regards to their sexuality, but my own personal knowledge from watching TV shows or movies relating to the 60s and 70s.  The young man (Jefferson Poland) who was whipped by his dad because he was wetting his bed and had to leave his home with his mom was an interesting topic.  This man would eventually leave home after attending 20 different schools before going to college, he truly had a ruff childhood.  He eventually leaves his mom and begins traveling on his own (hitchhiking) and attending different schools again!  I felt kind of sad to hear that he had sex with a man just because he gave him a ride on one of his many travels, he stated that although he enjoyed the expereince he felt ashamed.  I also believe that because of his feelings of shame he wanted to accept and also tell others during this time of the Vietnam War and Civil Rights movement that it was totally exceptable to be free to love men or women alike, and not to be ashamed of nudity in public places, freedom of speech (profanity) because these were natural and God given rights as human beings.  Although his movement of the Sexual Freedom League did not succeed I do believe that the efforts he and his colleagues protested helped shape the way in which the society viewed sexuality in a more liberal and acceptable nature.  The signs of many protesters carried that read, "Let's Make Love, Not War", have become so famous in America's knowledge via movies and magazines, it was the sign of the times! However, because of the Vietnam War and Civil Rights Movement the Sexual Freedom beliefs of nudity in public, multiple sex partners, sex before marriage, gay and lesbian rights were not in the forefront of the media.

The other document I found interesting was about how young Latina girls in Southern Texas were victimized sexually by the "gang banging" in their impoverished community.  The girls that came from strong Catholic and Patriarchal homes were never allowed to experiment let alone speak about sexual relations before marriage, it was considered taboo.  Also, it was heart wrenching when I read about how the "pachucas" were subjected to gang rapes because of their affiliation with the street gangs, and how their lives were cut short either by drugs, or rule of the patriarchal domination of the gang itself. The one girl who was in a gang that rescued another girl from getting gang raped was so good to read because it should the alliance women have for one another as sisters protecting each other from the hands of the sexual violence preform by men.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Politics of Reproduction

Because I am a women who has had 3 children, I believe of all the readings thus far in Peiss, the documents on abortion and family planning in early nineteen century are the most disheartening to me.  The document regarding the young Dakota Indians from 1888, who are counseled by their mothers about sex and marriage is particularly astonishing because their are married early before puberty!  The mom's have to prep their daughters within the first 2 weeks of their marriage, mainly the painful consequences of sex, pregnancy and even possibly induced abortion.  In all the readings about contraceptive it is incredible to know that the concept of what we call now "the rhythm method" was practiced long ago, although this method failed at times to prevent pregnancy, it is still used today to many who don't want to stay on birth control because of many side symptoms or long term affects which may be harmful to a women's health.

Another documents in this Chapter in Piess, such as, the Double Murder case of a 15 year old girl domestic worker was sexually abused by her employers' son was also alarming because it once again revealed  how the impoverished working class young were exploited sexually by the hands of there rich and powerful. The young women became pregnant by a man of upper class and the events of how they tried to cover up and dispose of her and her unborn child by means of illegal abortion was just tragic. 

I was especially enlightened by Margaret Sanger the Obstetrics and Gynecology nurse who was an advocate for many women in early nineteen century, because she was such a great force for all women of all classes.  Women were so unjustly treated because they had no say about their reproduction rights, and birth control was illegal and not recommend to any women because they're role was to stay at home care for children (no matter how many she would have) .  Doctors would not prescribe birth control and would advise young couples to start a family early, but for the poor that would be a devastating feat because they were left with no time to enjoy each other before children, but most demanding would be how they were going to support so many children that would be born to such conditions.  The irony of the reproduction issue was that President T. Roosevelt would encourage young couples to limit their family size but not legalize birth control so that the population would be stabilized in poor families.  Also, the toll that so many pregnancies on women during this time must have been devastating to their health!  The account of the young women that Ms. Sanger was assisting in a stillbirth was most disheartening to me because the mother was relived and "Thanked God", for not letting the baby live such a life of poverty.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

History 392

Readings from Peiss were interesting but not surprising because of the 19th century notions and misinformation about sexuality in America. The document regarding YMCA was good because it should how men dealt with their sexuality. The thought of a man at fifty not being married already stirred alot of concern and accusations among the Young Men's Christian Association of being immoraly and not the way a man is to live his life.  I am sure that there were close male relationships in this organization because it was mostly male dominated.  However the letter left behind by one of its members was quite increminating in my opinion because there was so much that was intended to conceal that was leaked out.  I do believe that the men in question had a romantic relationship and were living in closet, as we would say today.  It is unfortunate that these men had to conceal their identities just to fit into their perceived way of existence.  The other document in Peiss that so revealing and one of my favorites was the V. C. Woodhull interpretation of married women in 1873, her words were so eloquent about how women black, white, enslaved or not suffer in the hands of any man.  Many women in this era lived only to please their husbands and had to accept anything the marriage offered to them, the good and bad. Woodhull took a stance about the subject about instituion of marriage just being a form of "sexual slavery".  And that, prostitute lived a better life because they can come and go as they pleased (like a man), and never have to cohabitat with a man who would mistreat them.  Very empowering document of the truths of the mistreatment of women of all classes!
The Gordon -Reed story about Thomas Jefferson was so indept about how he came to be the president and signer of the Declaration of Indepence, his personality of a strong business man, intellectual, love for the fine arts but most importantly the scandal that was really never talked about! He became the master of many mulatto slaves by way of his wife (Martha) who's father (John Wayles) fathered children from one of his slaves Elizabeth Hemmings (mullato).  It was so interesting how they came to live on the mountain of Monticiello and have inter-racial children for 5 decades! To me it really looked like a polygomy society but it was actually part of the Virginia law on slavery rights of a Master.  Thomas Jefferson became the master of so many mullato, but the real story that is so important is his secret mistress, Sally Hemmings.  She was said to be a beautiful mulatto that fathered his 6 or 7 children ( a few died early in life- typical of the era in childbirth) .  He never admitted he fathered these children, because it would have brought scandal to his white family, his job in government, the laws in Virginia pertaining to slave ownership.  So he live till the end of his life with his mistress and some of his children.  The older two children left Monticello without incidence to live a normal white life without any problems.  He freed the younger ones before his death, and his mistress was not formally freed in his will but he did give her notice after she became his mistress when they came back from a trip in France in which they started their 30 year realtionship.  He couldnt recognize her in the will because by law it was not acceptable in Virginia.  He died bankrupt, and his estate was sold, some slaves were sold, but the Hemmings because of the skin color and his love for them were all freed, most were literate, and had trades, which was not common for slaves in this time.  The Hemmings were part of the slavery because were propety of Thomas Jefferson but they had a upper hand and did less minial jobs as there all black couterpart slaves at Monticello.  It is a fascinating historial story because of the connection with a President of the United States of America.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

History 392 spr 11

The descriptions of "The World of Marriage", in D'Emilio and Freedman at the end of the 19th century were so encouraging and discouraging at the same time.  Women were finally able to have sex in marriage and enjoy it too!  The women were becoming more in-tune with their bodies and feeling a sexual relationship with their husband was mutal, consenting and above all for pleasure and love.   Some women were actually initiating sex just to have an intimate encounter of passion with their mate or partner and not just for procreation purposes.  The discouraging part of me was when men were taught unlike young women that having sexual intercourse was to be expressed, and for girls to repressed in sex education manuals.  I can certainly relate to mom's telling you that if you even kiss a boy you can become pregnant and the fear, guilt and shame that builds inside of you is just horrible. Although sexual morals were more socially accepted in this era the division in class was still apparent for middle and working class families. 

The document 2 about prostition in case of Wong Ah in the early 1920's, according to Kathy Peiss, was so disheartning to me as I have a daughter myself.  Unfortuanately, she was poor Chinese girl who was subject to sexual deportation ring for prostitution.  I was shocked that a mother would send her daughter to a foreign country witha a stranger, but because of her socioeconmic condition she believed the lies of this gentleman who promised her legitimate work.  The girl was so naive and had no idea that she was going to work as a prostitiute in the US, she didnt even know at the age of 19 what a prostitute was?  I was happy to learn she was rescued by the church to work for them but unfortuantely the damage of her physical and psychological sexual encounters was unfortunatately a disgrace.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

History 392 SPR 11

Goodbeer really went into great details about how the youth were being raised in New England Colonies of the 18th Century and how there sexual life was dealt with in this era.  It was fascinating to find out that the church and state were becoming more open to the youths sexual behavior.  Parents were allowing there daughters to go more and socialize with their peers and stay late at night, they even allowed young men into their homes to spend the night and sleep in the same bed with their daughters as long as they practiced bundling.  Well of course, were there is a will there is a way and the bundling did not deter most not to have sexual intercourse. 

The church was always promoting marriage before sex but also wanted to claim this new generation into membership of the church so they were more excepting of their sex behaviors outside of marriage because they believed they were bethroed, and as long as they committed themselves to the church first, would repent their sin to the congregation they would escape any harsh penalties.  However, some of the youths did not end up getting married, some of the young men denied encounters with the women and if the girl got pregnant he would live her with the bastard child (I really don't like this term, but is how it is described in these times).  There were some advantages and disadvantages to the sexual freedom of the youth.  The advantages of having they young men over and letting them have their affairs in the parents home was that the parents knew exactly who the potential husband might be but most importantly if there daughter became pregnant there was no question as to whom the father would be and of course who would be financially responsible for the child. 

As a parent myself, and wanted the best for my children, I can see how this would to the best interest of my daughter.  But unfortunately, if the daughter had sex outside of the home it would harder to prove paternity and she often be abandoned by the young man who would deny any relationship with the girl. She would become vulnerable to parents, church and state punishments for her sin of sex outside of marriage.  I thought it was quite interesting how some of the young men of affluent rich families would try to deny any relationship with the girl and try to abandon her with the the child.  Thank goodness the courts would seek child support and even today its a problem with men trying to escape the consequences of fatherhood. 

Later in Goodbeer, the sexual revolution would detail the many brothels and debauchery that would take place with all social classes and the higher incidence of pregnancy out of wedlock, infidelities of men and women from well to do families and also the spread of venereal diseases.  Again, if you were rich and could afford to lay with prostitutes and have mistresses it was more acceptable socially then if you were of a lower class.  I really felt a sense of sorrow to think that so many married women had to accept their husbands extramarital affairs, could lay with prostitutes, have 4 mistresses, and how the double-standard existed. 

Women were frowned on for having an affair even though her husband would not love her anymore and be absent for the home for so long, but mostly how the courts viewed male extramarital affairs as something as acceptable for a man.  Also, the one that was so demeaning was that fact that women are at fault for the way they look, there bodies enticing men and they are evil temptresses.  Because of women men fall prey to their sexual desires and it there fault for their shortcomings.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Week 2 readings Hisotry 392 SPR 11

I was so perplexed of the injustices and mistreatment that the Puritan Church would impose on couples who were found guilty of adultery, bigotry, or having children out of wedlock.  The church members were so cruel with their punishments of whipping, hangings, execution on these simple folk. It really seem to be by the documents and essays previewed by Peiss that the colonists were trying there best to live according to the laws cast on them by the church.  The women and men would dedicate their life and bodies to the church and even in some way also claim there devotion to Christ by following all the rules and regulations.

Firstly, the women were seen mostly as objects and their sexuality was primarily linked to procreation and property of their husbands.  Even if the husband (the Chameleon Lover, Mr. Byrd) was in love with his wife and according to the Godbeer readings he would often times sleep around, and would satisfy his sexual needs with whomever he wanted.  If he was a member of the church and was found guilty of infidelities it was a simple punishment of 1 year away from his position and of course since he had some money fines would be imposed that would go into the church funds.  But, mostly interesting but not surprising to me was how some upper class white men and even young sons would be less prosecuting by the church and state for their acts of violence against women of color or their servants.  If a young man from a well to do family assaulted and raped a servant it was considered just a sexual whim that he need to fulfill to become a healthy adult man and since he was  heir to the property and had upper class status it was he had every right to do as he pleased.

The documents in Peiss about the English migrant Mr. Hall who was brought to court for cross dressing was very interesting to me because of the violation of privacy and his identity by his neighbors, church and state imposed on him.  They each  had their turn in actually stripping him of his clothing to view his genitals and inspect his body to verify his gender.  Both Godbeer and Peiss recount how this person lived since the age of 12 learned to do needlework's (dressed like a woman), and also fight in the war (dressed like a man). After the war he tried to dress in women clothes and live as a servant in a home with much disapproval to the community.  He was never really charged with anything in court because the Governor was afraid his gender identities might initiate acts of sodomy which was against the church teachings for men and women  It was was unnatural and would not serve the purposes of procreation which was the only licit way of condoning sexual relations.  It was not easy for the courts to charge him with any wrong doing because he dress according to what type of work he would find.  I am sure that there still exist many issues with transvestism today because our society has constructed a perception on how a male or female should dress to fit into society, but am glad that such violation of persons DOES NOT occur in courts today.

Monday, January 17, 2011

1st reading blog - History 392 SPR 11 ( Prof. Morgan)

The readings this week were quite eye-opening to me in respect the treatments and injustices that the Native American Indians endured by the hands of the Spanish soldiers and European Americans.  I often heard or read about how the Indians were mistreated as far as their lands were invaded and they were forced to give up their habitats, but the sexual abuse of the women was despicable and so inexcusable.

One other thing that bothers me is that the American Indians were called, "savages", but actually the colonists and Spanish soldiers were in my opinion savages because they would violate their rights, especially the women by raping them and belittling them.  They would savagely rape the women and kill others from the tribe that got in there way.  Also, they had been well aware that the Indian men did not have access to guns like they did and would take advantage of that and shot them in cold blood.  Who is the savage?

I enjoyed reading about how the mothers were so open in communication with their daughters' and gave them the right to use their bodies as they wished.  It showed that they had no ill wishes towards them and that they respected and trusted their decisions to become a woman.  Sexual encounters within the tribe were conducted with no guilt or shame and they followed attractions from the heart and were more of a spiritual nature.